2014 NARPI Summer Peacebuilding Training Opening Ceremony Group Photo
8月9日上午,新葡的京集团4321历史学系刘成教授、东北亚区域和平教育机构院长李在永(Jae Young Lee)、察哈尔学会秘书长柯银斌、新葡的京集团4321拉贝国际和平与冲突交流中心主任杨善友出席训练营开幕式并致辞。
训练营为期两周,分为教学活动和田野调查两大单元。教学课程包括冲突与和平架构(Conflict and Peace Framework)、和平教育的理论与实践(Theory and Practice of Peace Education)、历史冲突的恢复性解决途径(Restorative Approach to Historical Conflict)、和平建设中的艺术与故事(Arts and Stories for Peacebuilding: Presenting Our Histories Justly)、社会心理创伤:意识与反应(Psychosocial Trauma: Awareness and Response)、和平建设的技巧:转化中的调解(Peacebuilding Skills: Transformative Mediation),6门课程均为全英文授课。新颖的教学内容向学员们展示了和平学的相关概念和理论,探讨了和平学研究的前沿问题。丰富的教学形式通过分组讨论、角色扮演、情景重现、案例展示、影音播放等方式训练了学员的创造性思维,团队合作意识,培养了学员运用和平学思考和解决实际问题的能力。课程结束后,训练营向学员们颁发了有任课教师签名的英文课程结业证书。
In Conflict and Peace Framework, facilitators and participants were discussing the concept of “peace” and “conflict” in small groups.
(在“和平教育的理论与实践”课程中,来自日本清泉女子大学的松井•凯茜老师(Matsui Kathy)正在向学员讲授对于事件的评估过程。)
In Theory and Practice of Peace Education, Matsui Kathy from Seisen University was shedding the light on the eva luation process of an incident to participants.
In Restorative Approach to Historical Conflict, participants were playing the roles of Truth, Mercy, Justice and Peace, then a hot debate followed.
In Arts and Stories for Peacebuilding: Presenting Our Histories Justly, participants were simulating the construction of protection infrastructure to natural disasters by employing plasticine and models.
(在“社会心理创伤:意识与反应”课程中,来自美国乔治梅森大学的阿尔•富尔特斯(Al Fuertes)老师正向学生教授以‘讲故事’方式治愈心理创伤的四个阶段。)
In Psychosocial Trauma: Awareness and Response, Al Fuertes from George Mason University were explaining the four phases to heal trauma by “Storytelling”.
(在“和平建设的技巧:转化中的调解”课程中,来自加拿大门诺莱特大学的温迪•克罗克(Wendy Kroeker)老师正在展示学生以“和平”和“爱”为主题的绘画作品;韩国老师李在永正与学生就如何进行和平建设的相关问题进行讨论。)
In Peacebuilding Skills: Transformative Mediation, Wendy Kroeker from Canadian Mennonite University was showing the paintings by participants on the subject of peace and love; Jae Young Lee is discussing with participants about the ways to peacebulding.
After the training, participants earned the Certificate of Participation with the signatures of the facilitators.
( 照片依次为:新葡的京集团4321学员表演集体舞《小苹果》;蒙古学员演唱蒙古族传统歌曲;各国学员代表使用各国语言合唱周华健的《朋友》;韩国学员表演集体传统舞蹈。)
In left to right order: 1. The dance, Little Apple, from Nanjing University students to open the Culture and Talent Night. 2. Mongolian traditional folk song from Mongolian participants. 3. Representatives of Participants from different countries chorused Zhou Huajian’s Friends in different languages. 4. Korean traditional group dancing from Korean participants.
Xia Shuqin, the Nanjing Massacre survivor, narrated the stories of how Japanese Invader slaughtered her families and her experiences during the horrible massacre. Facilitators and participants from different countries, especially the Japanese, were in tears. At the end, participants embraced Xia and took photos with her.
In left to right order: 1. Participants visited John Rabe and International Safety Zone Memorial Hall and listened to the report. 2. Group shot at the façade of Presidential Palace. 3. Group photo at The Amity Foundation.
Zhu Chengshan, the Director of The Memorial for compatriots killed in the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Forces of Aggression, communicated with participants and took group photo to mark the occasion.
8月21日晚,新葡的京集团4321历史学系刘成教授、东北亚区域和平教育机构院长李在永(Jae Young Lee)、东北亚区域和平教育机构主席奥本京子教授(Kyoko Okumoto)出席闭幕式,与老师和学员们共同庆祝暑期训练营取得圆满成功。本次活动在促进各国和平学研究的交流与合作,传播和平学理论和文化等方面取得明显成效。